Taita College Taita College

Level 3 Physical Education (AS)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr B. Taylor.

Recommended Prior Learning

Pre-Requisite: From PED201 - 10 Level 2 credits including Achievement Standard 2.3 (Bioprinciples mechanics) or 2.7 or at the discretion of the HOD.

Students wishing to take this course will have demonstrated a commitment to learning in this subject during their senior years and will be looking towards either tertiary study or a career in this field. 

PED302 builds on the knowledge and application of prior learning from Levels 1 & 2.

High levels of self-management, motivation, personal responsibility and strong interpersonal skills are the very basic fundamentals of being successful in this course. 

Course Requirements: Taita College PE uniform is compulsory

Learning Areas:

Physical Education

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

TCPE gear is compulsory.