Taita College Taita College

Level 2 English (Internal English)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Miss E. Henderson.

Recommended Prior Learning

Prerequisite: No prerequisites - however, students in this class will usually have completed English 103 - English for Life.

This course is for those students who have gained less than 10 credits in Level 1 English, those without the literacy co-requisite, or those who have completed English 103- For Life. 

The standards attempted will be different from those in 201, with the focus being Unit Standards and some achievement standards where appropriate. 

The focus in this course is reading and writing skills for life after college, with assessments centred around writing CVs, completing forms, writing reports and reading critically to identify different perspectives. 

It leads to English 321 in Year 13 and is not a university pathway course.

Learning Areas:


Assessment Information

The standard stated below will be subject to confirmation at the beginning for 2025.


Level 3 English for Life