Taita College Taita College

Level 1 English

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Miss E. Henderson.

Recommended Prior Learning

Pre-Requisite: English is compulsory at Year 11. 

Students will be placed into this English class at the discretion of the HOD. 

Students should have passed the reading or writing co-requisite exam to be assured entry.

This course is a mixed programme with a combination of Achievement Standards and potentially one Unit Standard. 

In this class, students will study a mixture of literature, film, and vocational unit standards, which will provide opportunities for students to gain skills in close reading, writing, and constructing formal personal correspondence. 

Through the contexts of contemporary literature, and award-winning novels and films, assessments such as language in context, response to literature, presentations, and writing, will be completed. 

This course has been designed to lead to Level 2 and 3 university pathways courses. There are two compulsory external assessments included in this course.

Learning Areas:



Level 2 English (Internal English), Level 2 English (University Pathway)