Level 2 Meaningful Pathways

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs C. Peek.

This is an alternative learning pathway tailored towards the Trades. 

Students who are successful in their application for this class attend Trades Academy in Petone, Wellington or Porirua two days per week.  

Courses available include: Construction, Automotive and Engineering, Engines, Hair and   Beauty, Animal Care, Hospitality, Cooking and Creative Technology. 

There is also potentially a farming course available through Primary Industries.  

Students are also required to attend a work placement one day per week. 

Therefore the students will only be at school two days a week.  

This is a Level 2 Trades pathway and it is expected that students will continue on to apprenticeships or Polytech courses at the end of the year (but not university as UE is not offered).  This course does not provide a pathway into most Year 13 classes.

Recommended Prior Learning

Pre-requisites:  Reliability and suitability for the courses.

Assessment Information

Students will do appropriate assessments based on the individual course that is confirmed at the beginning of 2025.